Here's the recording of our no-pressure info session
about our upcoming yoga teacher training!
* 1:10 - Our teaching history
* 7:33 - Course overview
* 8:57 - Example of how you learn a pose in the program
* 13:53 - The business of yoga
* 17:23 - How to film yourself for assignments
* 19:28 - What you can expect when connecting with your cohort
Here's the recording of our no-pressure info session
about our upcoming yoga teacher training!
* 1:10 - Our teaching history
* 7:33 - Course overview
* 8:57 - Example of how you learn a pose in the program
* 13:53 - The business of yoga
* 17:23 - How to film yourself for assignments
* 19:28 - What you can expect when connecting with your cohort
If you have any questions about our Yoga Teacher Training 2024, please don't hesitate to contact us at
If you have any questions about our Yoga Teacher Training 2024, please don't hesitate to contact us at