Full revamped for 2024!

Dig deeper into your yoga practice and get your Yoga Alliance-approved, 200-hour yoga teacher certificate from the comfort of your living room - Sept 27 - November 24!

Yes - Sign me up! with discount / $2,090 instead of $2,890

Full revamped for 2024!

Dig deeper into your yoga practice and get your Yoga Alliance-approved, 200-hour yoga teacher certificate from the comfort of your living room - Sept 27 - November 24!

You’re ready to dig deeper into your yoga practice and get your yoga teaching certificate - but you’re not sure how you’ll find the time between work, family, and all your other responsibilities.

All that PLUS driving back and forth to a studio multiple times a week for in-person classes, in the dark and cold?!

Friend, we’ve got you!

You’re ready to dig deeper into your yoga practice and get your yoga teaching certificate - but you’re not sure how you’ll find the time between work, family, and all your other responsibilities.

All that PLUS driving back and forth to a studio multiple times a week for in-person classes, in the dark and cold?!

Friend, we’ve got you!

Our newly-revamped-for-2024 200-hour yoga teacher training program is 100% online, with tons of real-time support and an optional in-person, one-day intensive at the end of our time together.

Our newly-revamped-for-2024 200-hour yoga teacher training program is 100% online, with tons of real-time support and an optional in-person, one-day intensive at the end of our time together.

"Barre & Soul crafted this YTT to be accessible while also rigorous and challenging. I had autonomy and room for creativity, alongside one-on-one support and guidance. I would 1000% recommend this program to a friend. I loved the in-person intensive day and feel like possibly adding one or two more similar days would have leveled the program up even more. Thank you Barre & Soul for this beautiful learning experience!"

- Kelsey Fusco, Barre & Soul® certified instructor

"Barre & Soul crafted this YTT to be accessible while also rigorous and challenging. I had autonomy and room for creativity, alongside one-on-one support and guidance. I would 1000% recommend this program to a friend. I loved the in-person intensive day and feel like possibly adding one or two more similar days would have leveled the program up even more. Thank you Barre & Soul for this beautiful learning experience!"

- Kelsey Fusco, Barre & Soul® certified instructor

Take the next step in your yoga journey; move from student to teacher as you learn about the history of yoga, the 8 limbed path of yoga, and how to incorporate chakras into your yoga. We’ll also cover trauma-informed yoga and meditation practices helping you gain a deeper understanding of this incredible, centuries-old practice.

This is not only a certification program that will set you up to become a highly-qualified yoga teacher. It’s an opportunity to commit to yourself, your creativity, and a meaningful physical and spiritual practice that enriches your life.

Yoga teacher training allows you to devote time to yourself and your passions, every week - to do something just for you.

And to make this training as accessible as possible, we offer both a money-back guarantee and a buy now, pay later payment option.

YES - Sign me up with discount!

Take the next step in your yoga journey; move from student to teacher as you learn about the history of yoga, the 8 limbed path of yoga, and how to incorporate chakras into your yoga. We’ll also cover trauma-informed yoga and meditation practices helping you gain a deeper understanding of this incredible, centuries-old practice.

This is not only a certification program that will set you up to become a highly-qualified yoga teacher. It’s an opportunity to commit to yourself, your creativity, and a meaningful physical and spiritual practice that enriches your life.

Yoga teacher training allows you to devote time to yourself and your passions, every week - to do something just for you.

And to make this training as accessible as possible, we offer both a money-back guarantee and a buy now, pay later payment option.

Dates: Sept 27 - November 24 (100% online)

Location: 100% online - through our online learning platform, and weekly 3-hour Zoom calls and office hours

Optional Graduation Ceremony and one-day intensive Sunday, November 24 at Barre & Soul Harvard Sq., 36 JFK St. Cambridge, MA, to be led by Barre & Soul's Master Trainer, Jenna Armstrong, RYT-500.

Investment: $2,890 with an AMAZING $1000 early-bird discount for the first 10 people registered!

Dates: Sept 27 - November 24 (100% online)

Location: 100% online - through our online learning platform, and weekly 3-hour Zoom calls and office hours

Optional Graduation Ceremony and one-day intensive Sunday, November 24 at Barre & Soul Harvard Sq., 36 JFK St. Cambridge, MA, to be led by Barre & Soul's Master Trainer, Jenna Armstrong, RYT-500.

Investment: $2,890 with an AMAZING $800 discount!

Barre and Soul made it easy to accomplish my goal of becoming a yoga teacher with their 200-YTT virtual course. Through their thoughtfully structured intensive course, I learned yoga's physical poses and deep spiritual foundations and got the inside scoop on the business side of being an instructor.
The small class size allowed us to build a sense of community, and the pace of the course made it achievable even while working full-time or being a parent.
Jenna was a fantastic instructor and set me up for success to become a yoga teacher at studios around Boston immediately after graduation"

- Briana Bigelli, Barre & Soul® certified instructor

Barre and Soul made it easy to accomplish my goal of becoming a yoga teacher with their 200-YTT virtual course. Through their thoughtfully structured intensive course, I learned yoga's physical poses and deep spiritual foundations and got the inside scoop on the business side of being an instructor.
The small class size allowed us to build a sense of community, and the pace of the course made it achievable even while working full-time or being a parent.
Jenna was a fantastic instructor and set me up for success to become a yoga teacher at studios around Boston immediately after graduation"

- Briana Bigelli, Barre & Soul® certified instructor

In case you missed our INFO SESSION!

Here's the recording!

In case you missed our INFO SESSION!

How our Yoga Alliance approved, 200-hour, 8-week online yoga teacher training program works:

  • Each week, you log into our online learning platform to watch that week’s lessons. You can learn at your own pace, any time of day that works for you! Our lessons are bite-sized and thoughtfully formatted to be helpful, informative, and actionable.
    Each week, you’ll take both anatomy and philosophy quizzes, to make you the best yoga teacher possible!
  • Each Sunday, our head trainer Jenna will lead a live, 3-hour group Zoom class where she’ll walk you through that week’s lessons, discuss sections from the assigned reading, answer your questions, and give you 1-on-1 feedback. Our session includes live teaching practice so you’ll be ready to audition when you get certified!
  • Every week you’ll film and submit videos of specific poses and sequences, so Jenna can give you specific feedback on your form. This level of 1-on-1 attention is unique to our training and isn’t common with big, in-person yoga teacher training programs AND you can do this from the comfort of your home!
  • Our training also includes weekly office hours, where you can pop in and ask Jenna questions as they come up or get 1-on-1 feedback beyond the Sunday group Zoom.
  • At the end of our 8 weeks of online learning together, you have the option to join us in-person at our Harvard Square studio for an 8-hour intensive and a graduation ceremony!

How our Yoga Alliance approved, 200-hour, 8-week online yoga teacher training program works:

  • Each week, you log into our online learning platform to watch that week’s lessons. You can learn at your own pace, any time of day that works for you! Our lessons are bite-sized and thoughtfully formatted to be helpful, informative, and actionable.
    Each week, you’ll take both anatomy and philosophy quizzes, to make you the best yoga teacher possible!
  • Each Sunday, our head trainer Jenna will lead a live, 3-hour group Zoom class where she’ll walk you through that week’s lessons, discuss sections from the assigned reading, answer your questions, and give you 1-on-1 feedback. Our session includes live teaching practice so you’ll be ready to audition when you get certified!
  • Every week you’ll film and submit videos of specific poses and sequences, so Jenna can give you specific feedback on your form. This level of 1-on-1 attention is unique to our training and isn’t common with big, in-person yoga teacher training programs AND you can do this from the comfort of your home!
  • Our training also includes weekly office hours, where you can pop in and ask Jenna questions as they come up or get 1-on-1 feedback beyond the Sunday group Zoom.
  • At the end of our 8 weeks of online learning together, you have the option to join us in-person at our Harvard Square studio for an 8-hour intensive and a graduation ceremony!

"I don’t think I would be a yoga teacher today if it wasn’t for Barre & Soul’s virtual teacher training! I had been on the search for years for a program that worked with me and my schedule since I work full time until I found Barre & Soul’s YTT. I was able to complete my work in the evenings and on the weekends and I didn’t have to worry about commuting to a studio"

- Joanna Kent, Barre & Soul® certified instructor

Joanna Kent

"I don’t think I would be a yoga teacher today if it wasn’t for Barre & Soul’s virtual teacher training! I had been on the search for years for a program that worked with me and my schedule since I work full time until I found Barre & Soul’s YTT. I was able to complete my work in the evenings and on the weekends and I didn’t have to worry about commuting to a studio"

- Joanna Kent, Barre & Soul® certified instructor

Joanna Kent

The curriculum for our 200-hour, 8-week online yoga teacher training program:



  • Dig deeper into the history of yoga
  • Learn 9 poses
  • Submit videos of yourself cuing sequences
  • Define your “why” for becoming a yoga teacher or for deepening your practice
  • Anatomy and philosophy quizzes



  • Study the 8 limbed path of yoga
  • Learn 9 poses
  • Submit videos cuing sequences
  • Start building your class
  • Anatomy and philosophy quizzes



  • Sharpen your anatomy knowledge
  • Learn 3 sun salutations
  • Submit your video cuing the sun salutations
  • Dive into your music style & continue creating your class
  • Anatomy and philosophy quizzes



  • Study the chakras and how they impact a yoga practice
  • Learn 9 poses
  • Submit videos cuing sequences
  • Dive into your peak pose - Break down the pose & revise your class to better build to it
  • Anatomy and philosophy quizzes



  • Understand how and when to utilize trauma-informed yoga
  • Learn 9 poses
  • Submit videos cuing sequences
  • Decide how you’d like to intentionally close your classes
  • Anatomy and philosophy quizzes



  • Learn how to use meditations and Yoga Nidra in your classes
  • Learn 10 poses
  • Submit videos cuing sequences
  • Review your class creation & add more soul into it
  • Anatomy and philosophy quizzes



  • Dig into the business of yoga - how much you should charge + how to promote your services
  • Learn 11 poses
  • Submit a video of your full class
  • Reflect on & improve your teaching & cuing from your submitted video
  • Anatomy and philosophy quizzes



  • Celebrate your growth!
  • Discuss any lingering questions
  • Complete your 1-hour practicum
  • Define what you want your future as a yoga teacher to look like
  • In-person graduation ceremony and 8-hour intensive
  • Final open-book exam

The curriculum for our 200-hour, 8-week online yoga teacher training program:



  • Dig deeper into the history of yoga
  • Learn 9 poses
  • Submit videos of yourself cuing sequences
  • Define your “why” for becoming a yoga teacher or for deepening your practice
  • Anatomy and philosophy quizzes



  • Study the 8 limbed path of yoga
  • Learn 9 poses
  • Submit videos cuing sequences
  • Start building your class
  • Anatomy and philosophy quizzes



  • Sharpen your anatomy knowledge
  • Learn 3 sun salutations
  • Submit your video cuing the sun salutations
  • Dive into your music style & continue creating your class
  • Anatomy and philosophy quizzes



  • Study the chakras and how they impact a yoga practice
  • Learn 9 poses
  • Submit videos cuing sequences
  • Dive into your peak pose - Break down the pose & revise your class to better build to it
  • Anatomy and philosophy quizzes



  • Understand how and when to utilize trauma-informed yoga
  • Learn 9 poses
  • Submit videos cuing sequences
  • Decide how you’d like to intentionally close your classes
  • Anatomy and philosophy quizzes



  • Learn how to use meditations and Yoga Nidra in your classes
  • Learn 10 poses
  • Submit videos cuing sequences
  • Review your class creation & add more soul into it
  • Anatomy and philosophy quizzes



  • Dig into the business of yoga - how much you should charge + how to promote your services
  • Learn 11 poses
  • Submit a video of your full class
  • Reflect on & improve your teaching & cuing from your submitted video
  • Anatomy and philosophy quizzes



  • Celebrate your growth!
  • Discuss any lingering questions
  • Complete your 1-hour practicum
  • Define what you want your future as a yoga teacher to look like
  • In-person graduation ceremony and 8-hour intensive
  • Final open-book exam

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How will I get feedback on my form if we’re not in a studio, in-person, together?

A. Each week, you’ll be assigned specific poses to work on. You’ll film yourself on video working through those poses and send your video to Jenna, your instructor. She’ll review your video and give you feedback - elevate your leg more, flex your foot here.

You can also take advantage of the weekly office hours and meet with Jenna 1-on-1 and demonstrate any poses you're struggling with and get feedback in real time.

Q. What if I can’t keep up with the pacing of the class? What if it takes me 12 weeks to work through all the content rather than 8?

A. We will keep you on track! Every week assignments have due dates spread throughout the week so it's not all at once. And, if one week, you do get a little behind - as long as you're committed to getting back on track, we will work with you!

Q. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to attend the 3-hour Zooms every Sunday. Then what?

A. Synchronous meetings are a requirement of the Yoga Alliance - the professional trade organization that oversees yoga certification programs. They - and we here at Barre & Soul - believe that learning together is the best, most effective way to learn. So we encourage you to do your best to attend.

Missed meetings incur a fee of $50. If you miss a meeting, you would need to schedule a makeup time with Jenna.

Q. Do your alumni actually find yoga teaching positions? From an online certification?

A. Yes! We have alumni teaching in yoga studios all over the U.S. and we’ve hired multiple graduates to teach in our own studios!

In fact, We’re so confident in our training, we offer a money-back guarantee.

Your investment with the $800 discount


  • 3-hour training calls every Sunday
  • Live video conference office hours by appointment
  • Full yoga online curriculum
  • Personal coach
  • Participate in all online activities and assessments
  • Certifications: Certified 200 Hour Yoga Teacher (RYT200)
  • Graduation Ceremony and one-day intensive



Save $800!

TODAY $2,090

Special Discount


  • 3-hour training calls every Sunday
  • Live video conference office hours by appointment
  • Full yoga online curriculum
  • Personal coach
  • Participate in all online activities and assessments
  • Certifications: Certified 200 Hour Yoga Teacher (RYT200)
  • Graduation Ceremony and one-day intensive


Save more than $700!

TODAY $727

+ 2 additional payments

Special Discount


In fact, We’re so confident in our training, we offer a money-back guarantee.

Your investment with the $1000 early bird discount


  • 3-hour training calls every Sunday
  • Live video conference office hours by appointment
  • Full yoga online curriculum
  • Personal coach
  • Participate in all online activities and assessments
  • Certifications: Certified 200 Hour Yoga Teacher (RYT200)
  • Graduation Ceremony and one-day intensive



Save $800!

TODAY $2,090

Special Discount


  • 3-hour training calls every Sunday
  • Live video conference office hours by appointment
  • Full yoga online curriculum
  • Personal coach
  • Participate in all online activities and assessments
  • Certifications: Certified 200 Hour Yoga Teacher (RYT200)
  • Graduation Ceremony and one-day intensive


Save more than $700!

TODAY $727

+ 2 additional payments

Special Discount

Your Instructor:

Jenna Brynn Armstrong is an E-RYT 500 with over 4,000 hours of instruction.

About two years after her first yoga class, she took the leap into a 200 YTT program. Within months of completion, she quit her day job in Las Vegas and became a full-time yoga instructor.

Shortly after, she moved to Washington, DC, where she led yoga and meditation for local studios as well as corporate and government agencies. Jenna had the honor of teaching yoga classes at the Departments of Justice, Energy, and Commerce as well as the White House Athletic Center.

These days, Jenna is a Master Trainer with Barre & Soul and the Studio Manager for their location in Portsmouth, NH. She is thrilled to lead the Yoga Teacher Training program and looks forward to guiding you!

Your Instructor:

Jenna Brynn Armstrong is an E-RYT 500 with over 4,000 hours of instruction.

About two years after her first yoga class, she took the leap into a 200 YTT program. Within months of completion, she quit her day job in Las Vegas and became a full-time yoga instructor.

Shortly after, she moved to Washington, DC, where she led yoga and meditation for local studios as well as corporate and government agencies. Jenna had the honor of teaching yoga classes at the Departments of Justice, Energy, and Commerce as well as the White House Athletic Center.

These days, Jenna is a Master Trainer with Barre & Soul and the Studio Manager for their location in Portsmouth, NH. She is thrilled to lead the Yoga Teacher Training program and looks forward to guiding you!

Yes, you really can learn to TEACH YOGA online

Are you ready to dig deeper into your practice?


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Yes, you really can learn to TEACH YOGA online

Are you ready to dig deeper into your practice?


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